Since its establishment,TPCOINTL has won many times honours and qualification certificates appraisedby the state and relevant authorities of Tianjin:
One of the Top 500 enterprises in China foreign trade by the Ministry of Commerce from 2003 to 2009 seven years running;
“Chinese Famous Brand Product” was conferred on TPCO by the Ministry of Commerce in 2005;
“PRC Qualification Certificate for Contracting Projects Abroad” was granted to TPCOINTL after verification by the Ministry of Commerce on Aug 19,2005;
TPCOINTL was approved as amember of “China Association for Contracting Projects Abroad“ and granted a membership certificate on Sep 28,2005;
“Credibility Rating AAA certificate in Foreign Trade” was granted to TPCOINTL by China Shippers’ Association.
Since its establishment in1994,TPCOINTL has been progressing year after year and was awarded No.1 several times in earning foreign exchange through exports and many times one of the top 50 exporters in Tianjin; and since 2006,for 4 years successively one of the first 10 in the top 50.In October,2001 TPCOINTL got the” Qualification Certificate for Green Path Management” in export tax rebate for export enterprises; It was classified twice “Category A of the creditable foreign trading enterprises by Tianjin Customs’ on Apr 26,2005 and Jun 30,2008 respectively; An honorary certificate of “Creditable Enterprise in 2008”was awarded to TPCOINTL by Tianjin Banking Association on Dec 11,2008.