Jiangsu Tianhuai Pipe Co. Ltd (THCO) succeeded in hot commissioning of pipe pre-finishing line

PUBLISHED ON 11/07/2012

After 4 months efforts, THCO processed the first seamless pipe and accomplished the hot commissioning in pipe pre-finishing line at 9:18 am on June 26th, 2012. The pipe pre-finishing line of THCO’s PQF 508 project was built with a total length of 483m, width of 39m, and square meters of 18,837m2, which configured 3 sets of layer sawing machines, 2 sets of flux leakage testing machines, 2 sets of re-cutting machines, 1 set of straightening machine, and 1 set of tube marking machine. The total weight of erected equipments was more than 4,000 tons.